Firman is a leading manufacturer of generators. It offers a return policy of generators only when they are broken or damaged in any way. If you get a damaged generator, then contact the company and ask them for a replacement. They will cover all the shipping charges of the returned product. The customers are not eligible for a return if their product is broken or damaged in any way.

Return policy

Firman is the enormous manufacturer of generators globally and they focus on providing high caliber generators which are manufactured in the US, as this is their specialty. The customers do not have the right to return their generators unless it is damaged or broken in any sort of way. If the customer has delivered a damaged generator, then they can return it by contacting the customer service center at The generator must be in its original packaging as Firman won’t accept the generator in improper packaging. All the gasoline which was on the generator needs to be drained by the customer, and before 24 hours of shipping time, the customer needs to shut off the gas caps and oil plugs for safety. One thing to be kept in mind is that you won’t get a refund for the damaged generator. 

What are the conditions for returning a product at Firman?

The following conditions should be kept in mind while returning the product at Firman:

Before returning a product, the customer must check whether the product is meeting the requirements or not.

 If the product does meet the requirements, then Firman will provide them with a return label for their product.

Before 24 hours of shipping, all the gas caps must get turned off for safety purposes.

The customer should ensure that the product is in its original packaging as the company can decline your request if the product won’t be in a proper condition.

Before returning the product, it is necessary for the customer to drain all the liquid, gasoline, and oil.

The customers are not eligible for any damaged product.

These are the conditions you have to know about the return policy of Firman Generator.


Firman is an enormous manufacturer of generators which focuses on providing high caliber generators to the customers. The company will  arrange the replacement of the generator, and all the shipping charges of the returned generator will be borne by the company itself.

1.Which oil should get used in the Firman generator?

Well, at normal temperature, you can use Conventional 10w-30 motor oil on the Firman generator. If the temperature is below freezing, then Firman recommends using full synthetic 5w-30 on the Firman generator. 

2.What warranty does Firman give on its generators?

Firman gives only a three-year warranty which is one year on labor and three years on the parts of the generator.

3.What if the generator needs repairing?

If your generator needs repairing, then you do not have to send it to the store. Instead, call them at 1-844-347-6261 or contact the technician and inform them about the problem. If any particular part of the generator is damaged and cannot get repaired, then you can ask for a replacement of that part.

4.What if the Firman generator gets damaged during delivery?

If you have been delivered a damaged generator or the wrong one, then contact the company at 1-844-FIRMAN1 (1-844-347-6261). The company wil at once arrange the replacement of the generator for you. All the shipping charges will be taken care of by the company itself.

5.Can we decrease the sound of the Firman generator?

Unfortunately, no you have to get used to the sound of the generator as the company does not offer any sound reduction kits while delivering the Firman generator. 

6.Can the generator run for one whole day?

Unfortunately, no the generator cannot run for 24 hours straight. Firman recommends the customers to use the generator for up to 14 hours and to give it around 2-3 hours of break.

7.Is it necessary to protect the generator from rain?

Yes, it is necessary to protect the generator. The plug and the gas tank have to be protected at any cost to avoid damage to the generator. To protect the generator, you can install a big flatwood on the top of your generator.

8.Where should we buy the parts of the generator?

If you need to buy any parts of the generator, then contact the customer service center at 1-844-347-6261. You can also directly talk to any of the staff for your query.