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Get pumped

With holiday game launches constantly bombarding us with everything new, it’s only natural that our community begins to feel nostalgia for the past, back to the days when new didn’t entail a standard $60 price tag and costly DLC side packages. The promises of E3 2015 and PlayStation Experience 2014 push Final Fantasy VII to the forefront of our nostalgia ridden minds, leaving a hole and a craving for evidence of a fast-approaching Final Fantasy VII release. The remake still looms in the tauntingly vague future, but Exophase’s trophy list for the original game’s PS4 port could well mean gamers have some replay action in their futures.

Gah, not you. You’re the opposite of good news.

Nearly a full year to date, the PlayStation Experience of December 2014 first delivered the happy news of an upcoming Final Fantasy VII port. Back during springtime-fun in early June, Square Enix delayed the port release until winter.

The first day of winter, in case you were wondering, is Tuesday, December 22nd. Tuesdays and game releases go hand-in-hand, like peanut butter and marshmallow, making it the perfect time to keep a promise. Plus, ya know, it’s right before Christmas, another solid period for promise-fulfillment. 

I’ve already mentioned the established pattern between trophy list reveals and the imminent game release follow-up. Another good indicator of an upcoming PS4 port launch lies in the fact that the PlayStation Experience event takes place this weekend on December 5th and 6th. It is by no means out of the question to expect an official release date by the beginning of next week.

No pressure, Square Enix/Sony. Except, you know, all the pressure.

Keep going, trophy list ahead

Unsurprisingly, the PS4 trophy list shares quite a few similarities with the Steam trophies for its Final Fantasy VII port. The list boasts 13 bronze and silver trophies, 5 gold trophies, and of course a single platinum trophy.


 First Blood Emerge victorious from your first battle


 Breaking New Ground Use a Limit Break


 Failure IS an Option Have your whole party fall in battle


 Consummate Cross-dresser Get Don Corneo to choose Cloud over the two females


 Chocochampion Win the Chocobo Racing mini-game


 Materia Mastermind Raise a Materia to Lv. 5


 Fledgling Summoner Use a summon Materia in battle


 Waiting in the Wings Obtain the Bahamut Materia


 Making Waves Obtain the Leviathan Materia


 Best Bromance Go on a date with Barret in the Gold Saucer


 Corel’s Angel Score 10,050 points or more in G-Bike at the Gold Saucer


 Shuriken Join Us Have Yuffie join your party


 Won’t You be My Valentine?  Have Vincent join your party



 Roundtable Destruction Obtain the Knights of the Round Materia


 Bahamutype-0 Obtain the Bahamut ZERO Materia


 The Slash to End All Slashes Learn Omnislash—Cloud’s last Limit Break


 Loose Cannon Learn Catastrophe—Barret’s last Limit Break


 See the Light Learn Great Gospel—Aeris’s last Limit Break


 Packing a Punch Learn Final Heaven—Tifa’s last Limit Break


 A Universe of Pain Learn Cosmo Memory—Red XIII’s last Limit Break


 Meet Your Maker Learn All Creation—Yuffie’s last Limit Break


 Gale Warning Learn Highwind—Cid’s last Limit Break


 Wheel of Fortune Learn Slots—Cait Sith’s last Limit Break


 Inner Demons Learn Chaos—Vincent’s last Limit Break


 Coming Up All Nines Obtain 99,999,999 gil


 Liege of Leveling Reach Lv. 99 with one character



 Emerald Eviscerator Defeat the Emerald Weapon


 Ruby Render Defeat the Ruby Weapon


 Diamond Disintegrator Defeat the Diamond Weapon


 Transcendant Convoker Obtain the Master Summon Materia


 A Feat of Meteoric Proportions Complete FINAL FANTASY VII



 Gaia’s Guardian Obtain all trophies

Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 49Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 80Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 55Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 73Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 56Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 27Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 9Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 86Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 35Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 14Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 9Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 66Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 56Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 39Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 63Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 84Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 90Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 5Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 4Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 81Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 37Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 52Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 69Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 29Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 15Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 75Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 42Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 30Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 55Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 70Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 98Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 30Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 20Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 6Final Fantasy VII s PS4 trophy list has hints about the imminent port release   Final Fantasy VII - 93